Jacqueline Winters is a leading expert in the field of Crystal Therapy. She has written a two year Therapist Diploma in the Art of Crystal healing that has been accredited by the BCMA (British Complimentary Medicine Association) and the Federation of Holistic Therapists. The British Academy of Crystal Healing was opened in 2004 to educate potential Therapists and those wishing to develop their own personal knowledge of working with crystals for personal growth.

Jacqueline is the author of the highly successful divination cards, “Messages from Mother Earth” which have been sold worldwide and have received high accolade from both students and tutors in the field of Crystal Therapy.

She has written many articles for spiritual magazines, daily blogs that have attracted a worldwide audience, been invited as guest speaker on radio stations both in the USA and here in the UK and presented workshops in Athens, America and in UK colleges and Universities.

She is constantly improving her knowledge of the subject and hopes one day to bring vibrational medicine into mainstream society. If you would like to know more about developing your knowledge or becoming a Therapist please visit: www.britishacademyofcrystalhealing.co.uk